Monday, February 26, 2007

Nineteen Years Ago

Today is Chasity's birthday. She is my oldest daughter. It seems like only a short time has passed since I was visiting with her in the NICU at Charleston Memorial hospital. Could it really be 19 years?

She was born two months early, an emergency c-section. She only weighed 2 lbs. 13 oz. I could nearly hold her in the palm of my hand.

It is amazing and wonderful how the Lord has used this little girl in my life. The things I have learned and the joys I have known. All three of my girls are wonderful to me and I love them dearly. They are all beautiful, unique and so special to their "old Dad." Today however, I rejoice for my firstborn and I celebrate the anniversary of the day Chasity Dawn came into my world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your daughter looks like a movie star. I remember just the other day watching that little girl playing Candyland with Diane on the floor of your old apartment. It's amazing, isn't it?

Love to all,
