Thursday, April 19, 2007

"Just" Pray

I received an email today that originated with Dennis Rainey from FamilyLife ministries. The crux of the message was a worldwide call to prayer for the victims and families affected by the tragic events on the Virginia Tech campus. This is a must read article. Apparently Rainey's daughter has been instrumental in stirring the hearts of many student leaders on campuses all over the world to PRAY. This article will inspire you, challenge you and comfort you.

Often, as believers, we say to someone in need, "There's not much else I can do but pray." Wow! How we limit our Sovereign God and diminish the power at our disposal. The privilege we have, because of God's grace in Christ, to enter into the very presence of Almighty God. The One who "hung the moon." He loves us and is pleased when we flee to him in praise, thanksgiving and supplication.

I would challenge you to urgently seek our Father today on behalf of this situation. Think about it. You can step into the throne room of the King of Glory! What an honor and a joy, to "just" pray.

Additionally, Tim Challies has linked to this interesting article about Scientologists involvement on the VT campus.

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