Thursday, May 1, 2008

Prayer for Our Nation

Today is the National Day of Prayer. It is right and proper for Christians to gather with intentionality in prayer for our nation. We profess that we believe in prayer, that God hears and answers prayer, that He delights in prayer and that prayer is a central aspect in the life of every Christian. We pray for those who are sick, for those who are unconverted, for those who are facing trials and difficulties and for various aspects of our ministries. Certainly we can carve out time to pray for our nation and our national leaders. These leaders need godly wisdom and many of them need Jesus Christ.

While today is specifically set aside for such a prayer focus, I hope that we will pray regularly for those in government and in leadership positions in our country. Although we do not put our faith in any earthly kingdom or government but in the King of Kings, we are called to be salt and light. Moreover, we are commanded to submit to and honor governmental institutions. We don't worship them or love them or revere them, but we should honor them. I can think of no better expression of honor from the lips of a child of God than to pray for our nation and its leaders.

For the glory of God and the praise of his gospel.

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