Friday, April 10, 2009

"But why is it Good?"

Early in the week while some adults were discussing 'grown up things' my youngest daughter interjected a question. This is a common occurrence in our home, she is never at a loss for words and is very inquisitive. We were discussing Easter week and someone mentioned "Good" Friday. My little one, with a puzzled look asked, "But why is it good?"

What a great question. It strikes at the heart of the matter I think. All she knows is that the word 'good' usually describes something that is pleasant or enjoyable. Why would we refer to a day of the week, near Easter, as 'Good?' So, I took about 5 seconds and told her that Good Friday was the day that Jesus died to pay for our sins, and that is why it is good. (A half-hearted attempt at parenting in hindsight. So much for shepherding the flock huh? I plan to revisit the question this weekend.)

While what I told her is true, in my estimation, I pondered my response later. Actually, I was curious as to why we call it Good Friday. I found very few sources that relayed anything solid. The best I could determine is that the word 'Good' is a very old word that perhaps used to mean something else. Centuries ago it may have been called 'God's Friday' or something similar.

Given that this is the week of Easter I have been thinking much about the cross and the empty tomb. And simply put, I stand amazed. Mainly because when I realize that Jesus Christ died in my place, that He died to pay my sin debt, that on the cross He bore my punishment, I am completely blown away. In the process, the Son of God was even estranged and abandoned by His Heavenly Father. Leading up to the event of the cross Jesus himself asked if this horrific event could be avoided. He was whipped and beaten to death. All of this was not only for me. My mountain of sin alone is shocking. Think about your sin and all the multitudes of believers for whom Christ died.

His work, on my behalf, brought about the single greatest 'good' ever in my life. I was in such a pit of sin when my Redeemer came and rescued me. I was completely undeserving, running away from God. My load of sin was exchanged for His perfect Righteousness.

What GRACE! What a Savior! I would certainly call that 'Good.'


Denise said...

Very good post... I had read the theory about "God's Friday". Jesus does bring the greatest good to our life--salvation. Thanks for posting (and pointing me to your post)! :-)

Michael Ervin said...

Amen to this brother. That is a question I think many of us have missed in our life. What is the history behind this special day? Thank you Jon