Monday, March 19, 2007


"If you were accused of being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?"

I'm not sure who said this. I worked it into my Sunday sermon. It is really poignant when you let is sink in.


Anonymous said...

Jon - The pastor who preached at the church from Alistar Beggs church, Parkside - I listened to on line the other day had this same question posed in his sermon. I know I have heard Ray Comfort say this also. Anyways back to Parkside pastor, he preached on Revelation. Well I think it is great that we can see other sermons on line at the conveince of our own time schedules in addition to the TV/radio! Awesome that the Word is so readily available any time of the day and night. Well I for one am sure sad that I missed hearing you in person on Sunday but like I have said before it is a small price to pay but have to be rested when I work these 12 hour shifts on every 3rd weekend. But thanks to Brian I can listen to your sermons on line when I download it.
I also do read your blogs and others whom you and Brian lead me to - sure felt blessed by reading Pipers as well as Mohlers comments about their hospital experiences. It sure comforts me to know that there are people praying for me during those nights I am working and when I awake in the night I too pray for fellow night shift nurses, Drs and families who are in the midst of whatever God puts on our lives for the moment. I thank God for all His servants and prayer warriors and we sure do thank you for your prayers too. So keep us posted on your blogs even if we don't always let you know we are reading U never know when your message will touch anothers heart and lead them to Jesus. In His grip Paula

Anonymous said...

hey Jon,
thought I left you a comment but didn't show up - is there a limit? Anyways will tell you I read your blog and the others also. love ya Paula

Jacob said...

Would my accuser have subpoena powers? Would I have writ of habeas corpus?

Might make a difference!


Jon Cyrus said...

Madness? Ya think?