Monday, August 20, 2007

TV Programs

Should Christians care about what's on TV? Maybe some would say we shouldn't watch TV or even have a set in the house. I won't go that far. I'll be the first to admit I watch too much. I make an effort to avoid many programs that have little real value or are just simply offensive. Unfortunately my choices are becoming fewer and fewer.

But another question is, should Christians (or anyone else for that matter) stand up and say "that program is just plain trash!" when we have the chance?

Will Hall thinks it's time to do just that. His recent editorial suggests that ABC Family is not really about the family. Two new programs, "Greek" and "Slacker Cats" have gotten Hall all stirred up. He suggests that we should contact the network as well as their sponsors. Well, I did just that. I sent out a little email and spoke my piece. Then, to get really nuts, I emailed a bunch of my friends and family suggesting they do the same. Am I wacko or what?

What do you think about such things?


Anonymous said...

Jon, I think there are probably many (pastors, perhaps) who feel the way you do, but because we have been told that not all culture is bad (and it's not), and that we need to study culture in order to engage it (and we do), and that we should run from legalism like the plague (and we should), that we are hesitant to say what you just said.

But at some point it must be said. Yes, let's understand culture and shun legalism, but let's make sure that in the process we're setting our minds on things above and thinking on what is noble, honorable, and pure.

Jon Cyrus said...


Thanks for weighing in!