Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Victory and Peace

We have just come through the celebration of Easter. One of the primary themes we celebrate around the cross and the empty tomb is that of victory. Jesus Christ's death and resurrection won the victory over sin and the grave. All of those who place their faith in him share this same victory. The picture to the right shows Winston Churchill during the time of WWII flashing the "V for Victory" sign. Maybe this picture was taken on an Easter Sunday. Just a thought.

In addition to victory, those who are in Christ have peace with God. We are no longer his enemies. Moreover, we experience the peace that comes to our hearts in knowing we are forgiven and have come into a right standing with our Creator. You might call this the peace of God. In the 1960's during the Vietnam war there were many who used the same sign as the "V for Victory" but they called it the "peace sign." It is really both for Christians. As followers of the Lord Jesus we have victory and peace.

Allow these truths to encourage you in your walk with Him today.

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