Monday, August 10, 2020

What A Difference A Pandemic Makes

We are 22 weeks into the craziness that is our current situation. Frankly I'm not interested in discussing the way everything has been handled or the validity of restrictions or the veracity of the virus. I have opinions about all of it, like everyone else. Some of my opinions are informed by helpful research and some are knee-jerk, fluid and filled with frustration. It is helpful to discuss them with trusted friends who are willing to listen and dialog. It is not helpful to word vomit my frustrations and limited wisdom so others may join me in aimless speculation fueled mostly by items found on social media. I have fought that urge many times over the last 4 months and I hope to maintain a sense of decorum and civility.

I am posting at this point to share something that might be helpful. Below is the very first Facebook Live video that I did on Sunday, March 15 2020. - week #1 of the "shut down." It was the first Sunday that our congregation was not meeting in our building. I was completely caught off guard and had never even attempted a Live video. None of us had any idea what was coming. It was early Spring, the weather was still cool and I think most of us believed the quarantine would only last a few weeks at most. As of today, we are nearly 150 days into this situation and the changes keep coming.

However, there is a constancy for those who have a connection with the immutable God of the universe. The Psalmist reminds us, "Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God." His abiding presence, power and love, as well as the prayers and fellowship of others, has sustained me during the pandemic. While there is still uncertainty, turmoil and loss, Jesus gives me peace. That peace is the topic of the devotional below. It was interesting for me to watch it again, knowing what I know now. Perhaps it will be a blessing to you.

[ Please excuse the poor video quality, I was learning. 😁]


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