No one is requireing me to read these days. I have no quizes or book reviews to prepare for. Thus, I will read for fun. I have nearly depleted a $50 LifeWay gift card that I used to purchase several books that I will read at my liesure. One of them that I am most anxious to begin is Jesus Blood and Righteousness by Dr. Brian Vickers. I just usually call him "Vick" or "Chief" because I have known him for nearly 40 years. Until we parted ways for college in the early 80's we attended the same church, Randolph Street Baptist in Charleston, WV. Few could have imagined that our paths would cross again in Louisville at Southern Seminary. I praise God for how He has used my childhood friend for the Kingdom. It is a testimony to His providence and sovereignty.
Yes! Reading for fun!
I am perusing The Book of Virtues.
I also own Vickers' book (a signed copy no less) and had no idea you were old buds.
Funny story, my real name is "Brian Vickers," but since your friend entered the union first, they made me change my last name.
Since it looks like your blog is for real, I am now providing you a link. This should drive up your web traffic by about 10% since now my Dad will click on the link.
I'm all about more traffic on my blog. I am not certain anyone is reading at all.
Thanks for stopping by.
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