Thursday, May 19, 2011

There's A New Blog In Town

For regular visitors to "The Steeple" you may notice there is a new item listed on my list of blogs on the left side-bar. My sister, Lisa Call, is now blogging over at "Truth Be Told." Hope she updates her site more frequently than her younger brother.

I am glad she has stepped out into this medium and is willing to share her thoughts with the world. Add her to your "reader" and I believe you will be inspired and encouraged by her honesty. The Lord has been working in her heart and life over the last several years and she is happy to tell all who will listen what a blessing He has been to her.

We would all be strengthened if we participate in genuine relationships with one another and make an effort to "speak the truth" and do so with a measure of compassion and grace. We want to do so in order to build up the Body of Christ and bring glory to God.


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