This week I was struck by the following quote:
"The real religion of America has always been America itself; our religion has largely been civil religion for the sake of social order more than for any soul transformation." Richard Rohr, Adam's ReturnI am regularly pondering and evaluating my own ministry, as well as my personal walk with Jesus. I've got plenty of work to do in my own heart. And American religion is on shaky ground.
If the latest national election has taught us anything it is that politics have clearly infiltrated American religion. It almost seems that for many, politics have become a quasi religion. Candidates from both parties are wildly praised for their ability to save our country, if only we will embrace them and follow after them. It is not our country that needs saving.
Politics aside, mainly because I detest them, Western Christianity is often adrift from its essential moorings. Love, grace, compassion, and humility are sorely lacking in our dialog, especially on social media. Caring for widows, orphans, and the marginalized is far down the "To Do" list for the average church-goer. And "Celebrity Pastors" become the focus of attention, rather than Jesus of Nazareth.
Although I believe that God is still working in hearts, and lives are being changed by the good news of Jesus, continued soul transformation sometimes takes a back seat to building bigger, more dynamic, cutting edge ministries. American religion is creeping closer and closer to...just that, religion, rather than a life-altering relationship with the Creator of the Universe.
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